#6 Vedic Time: We are chewing the chewed!

Vedic Time: We are chewing the chewed! Vedic Time -How old is the human civilisation? In my last blog post, we had a look at the geographic descriptions of the universe found in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Similarly stunning is the description of time. And yes, in the Vedic view, the world is older than 6,000 […]
#5 Vedic cosmology – Our position within the Universe

Vedic cosmology – Our position within the Universe Disclaimer With this contribution, we do not want to engage in any controversy. We simply want to describe what is presented in the Vedic Scriptures, in particular the 5th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam. Vedic vs Modern Understanding of the Universe The more we dive into the […]
#4 Consciousness is above matter

Consciousness is above matter. What is science? Modern science explains everything based on gross matter. It only accepts as true that the senses can perceive. What can be seen, heard, tasted, felt, and smelt is truth, and everything else is considered unscientific. But what is science? When we Google the definition of science, the following […]
#3 Astrology from Parampara

Vedic Astrology is descending to us. Is Vedic Astrology a result of human research? Where astrology comes from? How is it possible to know the influence of the stars and planets on our life? Were the ancient people spending centuries watching the skies and connecting the positions of the stars with the events occurring in […]
#2 The Heavens rule life on Earth.

#2 The Heavens rule life on earth. The Vedic explanation of our reality or the three modes of material nature. What is reality? What is behind reality? Why does astrology work? Why can an astrologer see past, present and future in the positions of the stars? The answers to these questions are beyond the scope […]
#1 Manifesto

Vedic Astrology is the Science of the heaven’s influence on us Vedic astrology originates from the writings of the ancient sages. Vedic astrology originates from the writings of the ancient sages. Brighu, Jaimini, and Parashara are the most prominent authors of Vedic astrology and established the three main branches. I am an astrology student in […]